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Breakfast Club

Free Breakfast Clubs provide primary school pupils with a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day. All children who attend are offered toast or cereals & fruit juice before being taken to class.

View the Primary School Breakfast Club Menu

A good breakfast provides many benefits, including:

  • Improves punctuality and attendance
  • Offers social time and prepares pupils for the day ahead
  • Increases concentration and improves behaviour

Breakfast Club arrival/opening times vary so please confirm the times with your school.

View the Primary School Breakfast Club Menu

Applying to attend Breakfast Club

An application form must be completed before a child can attend the Breakfast Club.

Complete an application for the upcoming School Term
Apply to attend breakfast club
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One application per household is required. If applying for several children, you will have the opportunity to list several children and select the school each child attends.

You will receive an email response for all successful applications.

If a child you are applying for may be eligible for additional support whilst accessing the breakfast club provision please contact the school upon completion of the application to discuss their needs.

Not all schools guarantee breakfast club availability to Nursery children. Please check with your school that this option is available before applying. 

Frequently Asked Questions are available here (HYPERLINK)


Medically prescribed dietary requirements

Register your child as having a medically prescribed dietary requirement