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Frequently Asked Questions for Parents/Carers July 2024

1.      Is there a charge for primary breakfast provision?

No payment is required; breakfast is provided free of charge. Breakfast club attendance depends on a successful application.

2.      Does an application have to be made for every child who will attend breakfast club?

Yes. An application must be made for all children before they attend breakfast club.

Only 1 application is required per household even if children attend different    schools (the form allows you to choose the school for each child).

To complete an application, visit: - Primary School Free Breakfast Club

3.      I do not have the resources to complete an application form on-line. What can I do to apply for a place?

Your school administration staff should be available to support you, but in their absence, please call Education Support on 01443 281141.

4.      How does the application process work?

Once the application has been completed, you will receive an email confirming the child(ren) have been successfully registered to attend the breakfast club.

If the school is unable to accommodate the child(ren) at this time, the system will not allow the application to be completed. In this case, you should speak with the school directly to discuss what options may be available to you

5.      Does this application cover the entire year, or do I have to make an application every term?

A new application will be required for each term. The opening date for the new application process will be publicised by both the schools and social media to allow you to plan.

6.      The school has reached its maximum capacity for breakfast club, and my application was unsuccessful. Will my child(ren) be placed on a waiting list?

Each school completes a risk assessment to establish the number of pupils it can accommodate in breakfast club. In the unusual event that the maximum capacity has been reached, you can speak to the school directly to explore options available. There is no digital (on-line) waiting list facility.

7.      It is part way through the term, and a change in personal circumstances now means I need to access breakfast club. Can I still apply?

Yes, the application can be made, and if there is a capacity available, the child(ren) will be accepted into breakfast club.

8.      What if my child has a medically prescribed dietary requirement?

Every effort will be made to support pupils who have a medically prescribed dietary requirement, but breakfast cannot be provided until the appropriate medical evidence is submitted and a bespoke menu created for them (please note, this can take up to 21 days to arrange, or longer if the diet is complex). 

If your child needs a medically prescribed diet, and does not have the necessary arrangements in place with Catering Services, you are encouraged to apply for this now at:

You do not have to wait until the application process for breakfast club opens. Applying now for the medically prescribed diet will help to reduce delays to the service provision.

9.      I have applied for the medically prescribed diet, but it is still in progress, and I have not yet received notification that is has been implemented. Can my child attend breakfast club?

Yes, your child can attend breakfast club, however, we cannot feed your child until the necessary arrangements are in place. Please give your child breakfast at home before you bring them to the breakfast club session(s).

10.  What time does the breakfast club start and finish?

Please check this information directly with the school.