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Consultation on the Council's Home to School Transport Policy

The Council is facing significant financial challenges into the medium term and is considering a range of options to contribute to addressing the shortfall in funding.

Due to the financial pressures the Council is facing we are considering changes to current Home to School Transport Policy, to align transport provision more closely with Welsh Government statutory transport requirements.  This is necessary for the Council to: -

  • maintain affordability within future financial constraints;
  • continue to be able to meet its statutory requirements; and
  • maintain discretionary transport for its most vulnerable users (i.e. ALN pupils).

The Council recognises the significance of the proposal for pupils who use and will use home to school transport now or in the future, and the extended consultation provides a further opportunity for those potentially impacted to take part in the consultation.

Further information on the proposal and maps are provided in the FAQs here.

The full Cabinet report (including the Equality & Welsh Impact Assessments) is provided here under item 71.

The consultation closed on the 8th February 2024 at 5pm.