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Bins to Bags FAQs

We know that you may have some questions about the proposed changes and have looked to provide some answers to them below.

  • Please Note: This decision will not come into force and may not be implemented until the expiry of 3 clear working days after its publication to enable it to be the subject to the Call-In Procedure in Rule 17.1 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules. The closing date for Call-In is 5pm on the 22nd July 2024. Full details can be viewed here.

Why are we standardising general waste collections?


The Council are standardising collection methods in the Cynon and Taf area, to be in line with the Rhondda.  This will improve the appearance of streets post - collection, and provide a more efficient service, saving almost £1 million in operating costs and avoiding government fines


It will also help towards achieving the Welsh Government recycling target of 70% by 2024/2025.

Will I still have a wheelie bin?


Residents will retain their wheelie bin for storage in between collections. The only change is to simply place out the black bags at the collection point on the normal day


Will there be any changes to my collection day?

There are no changes to your collection days.

How many black bags can I place out?

Residents can place a maximum of 3 standard black bags out.  The bags must not be bigger than a standard/supermarket size e.g., 70 litres.

Do the bags have to be black?

Yes, as the Council do not want to pick up bags intended for charitable kerbside collections by mistake. 

How can I reduce the amount of black bag waste I have?

RCT offer lots of support and information on how to recycle as much of your waste as possible.  Recycling is also collected weekly.  Find out more obout recycling.

I need to start food recycling.  How do I get a food waste bin (caddy)?

Food waste is collected every week.  Simply put your food waste into a food waste bag, and pop the bag into your food waste caddy.  Register here if you would like to receive a free food waste caddy alternatively call 01443 425001.

I need to start recycling my green waste.  How do I sign up?

Green waste is collected from registered households, every week during the Summer and by bookings during the Winter.  Sign up for Green Waste Recycling.  Also note that green waste can also be recycled at a Community Recycling Centre.  Find a Community Recycling Centre near you alternatively call 01443 425001.

I need to start recycling my nappies.  How do I sign up?

Nappies are collected weekly from registered households in purple bags.  Sign up for Nappy Recycling alternatively call 01443 425001..

Where can I get recycling bags from?

There are over 150 points across RCT where residents can collect clear recycling bags and food waste bags.  Find your nearest recycling and food bag collection point.

Will the standardisation of general waste collections attract vermin and pests?


Vermin and pests will only be attracted to black bags if the bag contains food or containers with food residue.  To reduce visits from these unwanted guests, place your food waste in a food waste bag and pop it into a food waste caddy, and rinse all containers before placing them in your waste.  Remember that most containers can now be recycled every week in the clear recycling bag.

Who will be affected by the standardisation of general waste collections?


This will only effect residents who currently have wheelie bins in Cynon and Taff including Penrhiwfer, Edmondstown, Tonyrefail and Trehafod. 

Will this affect my additional black bag allowance?

No, if you already have an additional black bag allowance, this can continue as normal.

I no longer need my wheelie bin.  Can you arrange to collect it?

Yes we can, and will also make sure it is recycled!!  Please contact us on

What will happen if RCT does not meet Welsh Government’s recycling target of 70%?

If a Welsh Council such as RCT does not met Welsh Government’s recycling target of 70% by 2024/25, the Council will receive financial penalties.  These are financial pressures that Councils like RCT want to avoid in order to protect other essential services, hence why these changes are being introduced.

My black bags are too heavy to carry to my collection point?  How can you help?

RCT appreciates that some residents will have heavy waste that cannot be recycled such as coal ash.  Residents can apply for an additional black bag allowance which will allow them to place out more bags, but half fill them. Please note that our Awareness Officers may check that a household is recycling as much as possible (visual check) before an allowance is given.

Will you be issuing black bags?

No, residents are required to use their own black bags as they are currently doing.

Can I use Council litter bins to dispose of household waste?

No.  Items that become waste at your home, should be disposed of as part of your household waste.  Public litter bins should only be used to dispose of waste accumulated in parks and public places.  The unauthorised use of a litter could result in enforcement action. 

How do I dispose of animal waste?

Cat litter and dog waste will need to be disposed in your black bags.  View further information on disposing of pet and animal waste.

I recycle everything I can but cannot cope with 3 black bags?  Can you help?

RCT have a team of experienced Awareness Officers who can advise on all matters relating to recycling at home.  Should you require a meeting with one of our officers, please contact us on

Can I leave my wheelie bin out in between collections and just bring out my black bags on collection day?


No, all wheelie bins are to be removed from the highway after the 30th September 2024. 

Should you wish to keep your bin for storage, you must take it from the highway and place it inside your property.  If you do not wish to keep the bin and would like RCT to collect it, please contact us on


Am I allowed to leave my black bags at my collection point, in between collections?

No. Every household has a legal duty of care requiring them to take all reasonable measures that are available to them to make sure that they only transfer household waste produced on their property to an authorised person. Leaving your black bags on the highway increases the chance of your waste ending up in the hands of those may fly-tip it.

Before the 30th September 2024, my bin was accidently dropped into the refuse vehicle during collections.  Can I have a replacement?


If your bin was lost during your collection before 30 September, it will be replaced free of charge.  Crews will let you know what you need to do if this has happened.  

How will I store my black bags for up to three weeks? 

Households in Cynon and Taff who previously had a wheelie bin can keep it to store their black bags in between collections.  Other storage receptacles can be used – just take the bags out and put them at your collection point on collection day

What happens if I have more than 3 black bags some weeks?

As approximately 80% of household waste can be recycled, you can keep your black bag waste to a minimum by removing any recyclable items.  This includes any items that can be recycled at a Community Recycling Centre including books and textiles.

Will my Council Tax be reduced?

No as there are no changes to the frequency or volume of waste collections.

I have a coal fire/wood burner and produce ashes; how will I manage?

As this waste is not recyclable, it will need to be cooled and disposed of in black bags.  Residents who produce a lot of non-recyclable waste can apply for an additional black bag allowance.

How do I dispose of medical waste?

As this waste is not recyclable, it will need to be disposed of in black bags.  Residents who produce a lot of non-recyclable waste can apply for an additional black bag allowance.

I’m a carer and need to dispose of gloves, aprons and other medical clothing items – where do these go?

As this waste is not recyclable, it will need to be disposed of in black bags.  Residents who produce a lot of non-recyclable waste can apply for an additional black bag allowance.

If the packaging states that it is non-recyclable – does this go in black bag waste?

As this waste is not recyclable, it will need to be disposed of in black bags.  Residents who produce a lot of non-recyclable waste can apply for an additional black bag allowance.

Will you expect residents with disabilities such as visual impairments and dementia to comply with these restrictions?

These arrangements will apply to every household.  However, we do appreciate that some residents may have individual issues.  Please contact the team at to discuss further.

What happens if people put their waste outside my house, so it looks like it’s part of my waste? Will I be penalised?

Please report this as soon as possible by contacting us on

How are you going to manage communal bin collection points?

Communal bin collection points are closely monitored by the Council’s Enforcement team and social housing staff across RCT.  Waste should not be placed out in between collections, and only at your designated collection point.  Excess waste/fly tipping will be dealt with as per the Council’s normal procedures.  The Council will continue to work in partnership with social housing to identify residents who fail to control their waste.

I am going to struggle to reach a black bag that is at the bottom of my large wheelie bin.  Can you help?

Council issued wheelie bins do not have to be used as storage receptacles.  Residents are welcome to purchase their own receptacles to store bags in between collections.  Most large retailers now sell outdoor containers that come in a range of shapes and sizes.

How do I dispose of sharp objects such as a broken glass or a screwdriver?


Sharps objects should be wrapped in newspaper or placed inside a container such as a cereal box before placing in your black bag.

Needles should be placed in a sharps bin provided by NHS Health Courier Services.  They can be contacted on 0300 123 9208.