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Monitoring The Delivery Of Our Well-being Objectives

Why we monitor our Progress

We monitor our progress to help us to track how we are delivering the four Well-being Objectives set out in our Corporate Plan ‘Working with out Communities and to check that they are delivering improved outcomes for our service users, residents, businesses and other key stakeholders across Rhondda Cynon Taf. This helps us to make any necessary changes to our plans to keep on track.  We also monitor the plans in place across all our services.  Monitoring our performance at all levels in the Council helps us

  • to track our progress over time
  • to see where services are doing well and/or need support
  • to provide Councillors with the information they need to inform the decision they need to take
  • to be objective about our own performance and set more challenging targets
  • to drive improvement or service development
  • to provide residents, partners and other interested people with information so that they can see our progress for themselves
  • to provide assurance to our Independent Regulators
  • to ensure we provide value for money
  • to provide evidence for our annual l Self Assessment of Performance

How we monitor our Progress

The detailed actions, measures and targets to deliver the Council’s Well-being Objectives are set out in annual Well-being Plans which are agreed by Councillors and are implemented on and from 1 April every year.

Alongside our progress in meeting our targets we also use other information to monitor and review our performance, e.g. using feedback directly from service users, responses to engagement with our residents and communities, enquiries through Social Media channels and also feedback from Independent Regulators.

When we monitor

Service Managers continually manage the progress of their services and the Priority Plans are also monitored and scrutinised by Councillors every three months as part of the Council’s quarterly Performance Reports to Cabinet. These Performance Reports are also considered by relevant Scrutiny Committees and also the Governance and Audit Committee and form part of the Council’s Self Assessment of Performance.

Cabinet considered the Quarter 3 Performance Report at its meeting on 27 March 2023.

 Previous Quarterly Performance Reports to Cabinet can be found below

Quarter 2 2022/23 Council Performance Report- Cabinet 21 November 2022

Quarter 1 2022/23 Council Performance Report- Cabinet 26th September 2022

Quarter 4 2021/22 Council Performance Report- Cabinet 18th July 2022

Quarter 3 2021/22 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 21st March 2022

Quarter 2 2021/22 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 15th November 2021

Quarter 1 2021/22 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 21st September 2021

Quarter 4 2020/21 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 20th July 2021

Quarter 3 2020/21 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 25th March 2021

Quarter 2 2020/21 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 17th November 2020 

Quarter 1 2020/21 Council Performance Report - Cabinet 24th September 2020 


Reporting on the Priorities within the Council’s first Corporate Plan ‘The Way Ahead’  2016-2020


For further information please contact the Performance Management Team at

 Page revised March 2023