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Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS)


English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners in RCT schools come from a range of diverse backgrounds and from a variety of language and literacy stages.  They have differing backgrounds which may impact on their ability to access the school curriculum and our community. While some newly arrived, beginner bilingual pupils will come from a school or country where little or no English is used; others may speak, read or write some English. Children, born in the United Kingdom, may have had limited exposure to English before starting school. When EAL learners have become orally fluent, they may be described as being advanced learners of EAL. They have English skills necessary to operate effectively in spoken English, but may not be proficient in using academic language.

The Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) supports Rhondda Cynon Taf schools to carry out their responsibility to ensure that EAL learners access the Curriculum and reach their academic potential. The MEAS team consists of three highly experienced Learning Support Assistants who are managed by the SEN Coordinator for Cognition and Learning.

The MEAS team aims:

  • To support schools to ensure that all EAL learners participate in, gain access to and attain in Curriculum provision, appropriate to their intellectual ability.
  • To advise and support EAL learners in their acquisition of English language skills across the curriculum.
  • To promote partnership teaching and other appropriate methods of supporting EAL learners.
  • To provide training for subject/class teachers in strategies that will address the needs of EAL learners.
  • To support EAL learners through the home language(s) and to offer interpreting/translating services to schools and parents of EAL learners.
  • To develop resources, including home language and cultural materials that will enhance the linguistic skills and conceptual understanding of EAL learners.
  • To support schools to develop home/school/community links.

 It should be noted that although many pupils for whom English is an additional language will need extra support to achieve their potential, this does not constitute an additional learning need. Schools  seek advice from the MEAS team in the first instance if they believe that a pupil with English as an additional language is making slower than expected progress.

To access support from the Multi-Ethnic Achievement Service MEAS) schools are submit a request for involvement of the MEAS team. All referrals are discussed at MEAS caseworker meetings and level of support are allocated accordingly.