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Planning Enforcement

Occasionally new development takes place or the use of land may change without planning permission having first been granted.

Development may also be carried out in a way that does not follow approved plans and conditions. In such circumstances we can ensure that these situations are remedied.

How do I make a complaint?

If you think a problem exists you can report the issue to us online using the form below:

The kind of details we require are:

  • The exact location of the site
  • What has happened on the land and when this started
  • The names and addresses of any persons involved (if known)
  • The exact nature of your concern (e.g. an indication of any harm caused)

Your complaint will be treated as confidential and your name will not be revealed.

Report a concern about a development
If further action is required, your support in providing evidence and information to help support our case will be very important. This however is completely voluntary

Alternatively, you can contact us for advice either in person, by telephone, e-mail or in writing. Please provide us with as much detail as possible about the exact nature of your concern.

Issues that cannot be enforced.

Some examples are provided on matters which the Enforcement Section does not deal with:

  • Matters relating solely to the emission of noise, smells, dust and other forms of environmental pollution, unless involving a breach of planning control.
  • Obstruction of any road or right of way.
  • On street parking problems.
  • Party Wall Act disputes.
  • Matters relating to private rights of access, neighbour and boundary disputes. These are matters of civil law and advice should be sought from a solicitor.
  • Matters relating to the restrictions imposed on property by a covenant. As above, this is a matter of civil law and advice should be sought from a solicitor.

What action will be taken?

An inspection will be carried out and we will gather as much information as possible to establish the facts.

If a problem is identified we have a number of options:

  • We will attempt to negotiate with the owner/occupier to resolve the problem informally.
  • We may ask the owner/occupier to submit a planning application where we feel it is likely that planning permission will be given.
  • We may decide on no further action if for example it is a minor or technical problem causing no harm.
  • We may take formal action if the problem is so serious that negotiation is inappropriate or has failed.

We will inform you of our decision and the reason for it.

How long to enforce?

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. However, there is no set timescale for investigating a breach of planning control. Statutory procedures must be followed and therefore the time needed to investigate a complaint will vary from case to case.

Enforcement Team

Planning Enforcement,

Floor 2,

2 Llys Cadwyn,


CF37 4TH

Tel: (01443) 281142