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CIL Submission Documents

The Council has submitted a series of submission documents to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination and these may be viewed below. 

The Council received a total of 21 representations arising from consultation on its Draft Charging Schedule which took place between 27th June 2013 and 7th August 2013.  The representations can be viewed in the table below,  Rep 1 – Rep 21. 

A Statement of Modifications has been published to modify the Draft Charging Schedule and was the subject of a six week consultation between 28th February and 10th April 2014. 

Core Documents

Core Documents
 Ref. Document
CD1 Submission Statement
CD2 Regulation 19 Statement
CD3 Draft Charging Schedule
CD4 Infrastructure Assessment Background Paper (Revised March 2013)
CD5 Study into the Economic Viability of Charging Community Infrastructure Levy in Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s (District Valuer Services, 2012)
CD6 Further viability testing and review of proposed CIL in light of representations received by RCTCBC (October 2013)
CD7 Updated viability testing received by RCTCBC (February 2014)
CD8 Draft Charging Schedule – Report of Comments and Responses October  2013
CD9 Council Report of 26th February 2014 (including Sections 211/212 Declaration)
CD10 Allocated Sites Status and Projected CIL Receipts Paper
CD11 Draft Infrastructure List (Regulation 123 List)


 Ref. Document
M1 Statement of Modifications
M2 Statement of Modifications Letter to Consultees
M3 Press Notice

Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents
Ref. Document
SD1 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule November 2012
SD2 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Report of Comments and Responses April 2013
SD3 Supplementary Planning Guidance: Draft Planning Obligations (May 2013

Representations on the Draft Charging Schedule

Representations on the Draft Charging Schedule
REP1 Caerphilly County Borough Council
REP2 Welsh Government
REP3 Natural Resources Wales
REP4 Country Land and Business Association
REP5 Sainsbury’s PLC

The Coal Authority

REP7 Network Rail Western
REP8 The Theatres Trust
REP9 Home Builders Federation Consortium 
REP10 McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd
REP11 Meadbro Investments
REP12 Gregory Bryne and Associates
REP13 CPL Industries 
REP14 Rhondda Housing Association
REP15 Cynon Taf Housing Association
REP16 Hendre Housing Association
REP17 Newydd Housing Association
REP18 Welsh Water
REP19 Talbot Green Developments Ltd
REP20 Cwm Taf Health Board (Robertstown)
REP21 Cwm Taf Health Board (Primary Care) Late Representation