Day nurseries provide registered childcare for children.
Day nurseries are typically open from early morning to early evening, all year round and some settings may provide care to children before and after school. Day nurseries often offer care that includes holiday periods.
Day nurseries can be run by the Council, privately or via a voluntary or charitable organisation.
Day nurseries must:
- be registered and inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)
- hold a registration certificate issued by CIW
- have public liability insurance
- have the appropriate first aid qualifications and food hygiene certificates (if food is provided on site).
- all day nurseries must have their policies and procedures visible for parents/carers to view if requested.
Find useful information about choosing childcare from the National Day Nurseries Association or Mudiad Meithrin
Day Nurseries in your area.
Search for Day Nurseries in your area via the DEWIS website
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