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Covenant Grant Fund

The Covenant Fund has £10 million each year to support the Armed Forces Covenant by funding projects which address specific priorities

Each financial year a number of priorities are set for awarding grants.  Please see the following link for this year’s priorities

There are 2 application routes:

  • small grants for funding applications up to £20,000; and
  • large grants for applications between £20,001 and £500,000

Who can apply?

The application must be from a statutory body, registered charity or an armed forces unit with a UIN. This organisation will be the accountable body for the grant. They will be asking for evidence of real engagement and partnership working - in the case of a non armed forces charity or statutory body - with either an armed forces charity or an armed forces unit.

If you are a registered Community Interest Company you may also apply.

They will ask the lead organisation to enter into a partnership agreement (which they must approve) with their partner organisation(s) before the project can start.

Who cannot apply?

Individuals cannot apply and cannot be a partner organisation.

Unincorporated organisations which are not registered as charities cannot apply. If they have been properly constituted under an adopted governing document and have been operating under that governing document for at least three years then they can be a partner organisation.

As partnerships and some forms of social enterprise are not registered charities or Community Interest Companies, they cannot apply but they can work as a partner with an eligible lead applicant.

View further information on the Covenant Grant Fund application process.

It is also advisable that you contact the Authorities Armed Forces Lead Officer, to discuss any application prior to submitting it. The Armed Forces Lead Officer can be contacted by email on