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Event Sponsors


Nos Galan Event Sponsors

Watch this space for news of our 2024 Nos Galan event sponsors - whose support means we can keep bringing this incredible event to Mountain Ash.

It is thanks to generous local firms that Nos Galan is such a success year on year.

Their support allows us to welcome thousands of people to Mountain Ash on New Year’s Eve to enjoy an unforgettable evening of elite, fun run and children’s races – plus a celebrity mystery runner, fireworks, family fun and more.

Of course, the main man in all the celebrations is Guto Nyth Bran, the legend who was once believed to be the fastest man on earth and could catch a hare with his bare hands. Nos Galan is held in honour of Guto , who is buried in the grounds of St Gwynno’s Church in the Llanwonno Forestry.