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A Plan for Housing in Later Life





By 2021, 20% of Rhondda Cynon Taf’s population is projected to be over 65. Although people in later life are a large and diverse group with needs and aspirations that will differ, evidence suggests that most older people (and younger people when thinking about their future housing options) would prefer to stay living independently for as long as possible.

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and Cwm Taf’s “Joint Commissioning Statement for Older People’s Services 2015-2025” focus on preventative interventions. In the context of housing and older people, this means ensuring timely adaptations of existing homes, providing information to ensure informed choices can be made, and enabling the availability of a range of affordable, suitable and good quality accommodation types which will assist with prolonging independence for people in later life.

Purpose of the Plan for Housing in Later Life
The development of a specific Plan for Older Persons Housing is in recognition that some older persons housing issues and the type of provision required are very specific and that there are some gaps in existing provision, for example an over supply of traditional sheltered housing in some areas of the Borough.

The Plan sets the direction for the provision of accommodation and housing services for older people and in essence establishes a “position statement” so that providers and partners are clear what the accommodation needs of older people are and how the Council would like to see those needs addressed.

Vision and Aims of the Plan
The Council’s vision is that “people in later life can live independently in their home of choice for as long as possible”. In order that this vision can be realised, three strategic aims have been identified.   

Strategic Aim 1: Make available person centred and preventative support to minimise the escalation of critical need.

Strategic Aim 2: Easily Accessible Information, Advice and Assistance.

Strategic Aim 3: To enable a range of good quality housing choices that promotes independence, prolonged health and well-being.         

Rhondda Cynon Taf is committed to providing support for prevention, a choice of provision, accessible information and a tailored, person centred approach to the housing needs of people in later life.

There are of course implications to the direction that these aims set within the Plan which in summary are:

  • to increase the number of extra care schemes in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
  • to reduce the dependency on residential beds.
  • to increase the opportunities for older people to be able to maintain their independence within their home and the community.

People’s needs change as they get older and a house which was previously suitable, may no longer meet their requirements.

We want to make sure that there is a right mix of housing and accommodation available for older and retired residents in Rhondda Cynon Taf. To ensure that the right housing is available we need to know what people want, both now and in the future.  To achieve this we would be grateful if you could spare us some of your time and answer the questions included in this questionnaire.  Without real views and opinions we will not be able to meet real needs.

We have provided a link to our strategy so that you can provide feedback on this PLAN by completing the questionnaire. your views and comments will help with the formation of an action plan and will help shape and deliver our plans for the future. with how the strategy will be shaped and delivered.